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Eugene Shutoff

I do not really like people and prefer to photograph landscapes and architecture. Unfortunately I can do documentary and therefore sometimes I have to shoot street or documentary.
Sure you can find not only such kinds of photographs here, sometimes I fill that I must to shoot any strange things around me, like human beings or flowers. Any way, you can list them out of course.

Many years ago I’ve lost my love to painting, but I got a love to photography. And in most cases the only that you can save is a memory. But our memory is very tricky thing, we’re trying to remember only the best part of past. Or only brightest one. Reality isn’t bright every time, sometimes shady and Gloomy Sunday is the best day in a week or even a life. So I try to make a backup of my memory and want to help you in this “backuping”.

Let’s make a photography, don’t be sure in your memory, let’s shoot a photo, but don’t fire a shot.

And, of course, buy my photos, contact me and we will agree. Don’t be shy to get a part of my memories.

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